Employee Focused

Executive Income Protection

Provides employees/directors sick pay cover by paying their monthly salary when incapacitated to work through accident, illness or injury.

Did you know…when SSP (statutory sick pay) is paid this is no longer refundable from HMRC and is a business expense?

Would you like to know your employees can provide for their families month to month even when they are off long-term sick, giving them financial peace of mind to focus on their health?

The business also benefits by covering Employers NI & Pension contributions, which also provides the business financial peace of mind for additional employee costs.

This cover has tax efficiencies, for both the business and individuals:

Why do you need it?

Provides monthly income for the business by protecting against the financial impact of their employees being incapacitated to work – pays their sick pay.

Who can Benefit?

All Employees
Includes: earnings, dividends and P11D benefits. Additional cover can also include Employers NI & Pension Contributions.


What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications?

What our Clients Say

Relevant Life Plans

Provides employees a death in service benefit by paying a lump sum upon diagnosis of a Terminal Illness and Death.  Significant Illness can now be covered.

Would you like to know your employees’ families have additional financial peace of mind?

This cover has tax efficiencies, for both the business and individuals:

Why do you need it?

Provides life insurance for premature death or Terminal Illness diagnosis for employees on an individual death in service benefit.

Who can Benefit?

All Employees!

What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications?

Private Medical Insurance

Provides employees/directors private medical health care with high quality facilities and bypassing the NHS waiting lists.

Would you like to know your employee can get treatment when they need it?

This cover is a great employee benefit and complementary for Key Person protection to ensure they are back to work sooner rather than later for acute conditions including Critical Illnesses

Why do you need it

Allows employees to get treatment promptly without lengthy NHS wait lists so they can return to work faster and help reduce absenteeism costs.

Who can Benefit?

All Employees
Ideal for Directors and Key People.

What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications?

Group Income Protection

Provides employees/directors sick pay cover by paying their monthly salary when unable to work through accident, illness or injury.

Did you know…when SSP (statutory sick pay) is paid this is no longer refundable from HMRC and is a business expense?

Would you like to know your employees and directors can provide for their families month to month even when they are off long-term sick, giving them financial peace of mind to focus on their health? 

The business also benefits by covering Employers NI & Pension contributions, which also provides the business financial peace of mind for additional employee costs.

This cover has tax efficiencies, for both the business and individuals:

Why do you need it?

Provides monthly income for the business by protecting against the financial impact of their employees being unable to work – pays their sick pay and additional costs.

Who can Benefit?

All Employees
Includes: earnings, dividends and P11D benefits. Additional cover can also include Employers NI & Pension Contributions.

What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications?

Group Life

Provides employees/directors a death in service benefit by paying a lump sum upon Death.

Would you like to know your employees’ families have additional financial peace of mind?

This cover has tax efficiencies, for both the business and individuals:

Why do you need it?

Provides life insurance for premature death for employees on a group death in service benefit.

Who can Benefit?

All Employees


What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications?

Group Critical Illness Cover

Provides employees/directors a lump sum payment if they are to become Critically Ill with a named condition supported by your provider. 

Would you like to know your employees’ families have additional financial peace of mind?

Why Do you Need it?

Provides critical illness cover for defined conditions in an economical way under a group.

Who Can Benefit?

All Employees


What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications?