Partnering With HR Consultants

HR Consultants

Talking about employee wellbeing is a regular occurrence for an HR Consultant. However, talking about how to protect employees when they are ill or going through the loss of a loved one may not be part of the day job.  Why is it significant to you? Because, when thinking ahead to supporting employees when they’re ill, losing a loved one or even their own death, your clients want to know the right things are in place, not only so they can support their employees and their families in the best possible way, also so they can enhance their employer brand and drive a positive culture.

The Importance of HR Consultants Partnering with Enable Life

Are you looking after your clients and their businesses for longevity?  Do you need an expert by your side to elevate your offering?  Are you looking for someone who can help with employee health and financial support?

Sam’s expertise and experience in successfully supporting clients across many different sectors makes her the ideal partner for HR Consultants looking for a genuine collaboration that will truly support and elevate their clients.

Offering a service that helps business owners and their employees with their health and financial support is essential.  Offering support for longevity and sustainability of the company is vital, and, with Sam’s expertise, she can help ensure your clients are looked after from every angle.

What’s Important to your Clients?

At Enable Life, Sam likes to keep things simple. Things quickly become complex when you have different names for different policies and circumstances.

As your trusted partner, Sam will make sure your clients needs are fully taken care of. For more information visit our services page.

I break it down into 5 areas:

Benefits of being a Trusted Partner with Enable Life:

Next Steps

Contact Sam to get to know her, you’ll see her passion to help others and her extensive knowledge in Life & Health Insurance and Estate Planning for businesses.

Sam will provide you with a complimentary review of your own business so you can see how she works with clients before you recommend her services to your clients. 

Sam understands potential clients have some cover, however, it’s not always sufficient. Often terms of policies are too short, the sum assured is not enough, and are not placed in trust (which means the pay-out may not go to the right person at the right time), or Wills and Powers of Attorney are not up to date.

Sam will take into consideration what you have and what you need whilst looking at the tax efficiencies you can achieve.  All reviews are provided with no obligation and are entirely free.

If you’re a HR specialist looking for a true partner to help support and grow your business, get in touch with us today.