Personal Protection

Allows you to protect you and your family to ensure when the worst happens your family has dignity and financial support at a sensitive and emotional time.

Private Medical Insurance (PMI)

Provides you and your family with private medical health care with high quality facilities and bypassing the NHS waiting lists.

Why do you need it?

This is no longer seen as a luxury product, with the ever-increasing NHS waiting lists and the inability to get seen by your NHS GP this has become a necessity for many.

Who can Benefit?

Everyone who does not want to wait to be seen by a GP or Consultant.

Allowaing you to be treated sooner and out of pain.

What my Clients Say

Income Protection Cover

Protects you if you were unable to work due to illness or injury and will provide a monthly payment. Due to the flexibility of this insurance, you can decide when it starts and how long the policy will pay your monthly salary. Usually, we start income protection when your sick pay from your employer stops

Something to think about…when your income stops do your bills? The answer is no. This is a must have insurance for most people who have financial commitments.

Why do you need it?

Helps give you and your family peace of mind when your income stops, so you can continue to pay your mortgage/rent and other bills.

Allowing you to take care of your heath first and foremost rather than worrying about money.

Who can Benefit?

Most people who have bills to pay.

This is very important if you are financially independent and cannot survive without money coming in. Or cannot survive on one household income.

Life Insurance

Protects you if you were to become terminally ill or die prematurely with a lump sum payment.  This will ensure your family can pay the mortgage, rent and other debts giving them financial peace of mind.

This is very important if you have children, as the remaining parent or guardian may struggle without your income and adversely affect their upbringing.

Why do you need it?

Helps give your family the financial peace of mind when they most need it.

Allowing them to remain in the family home and take time to spend with each other rather than worrying about money.

Who can Benefit?

Anyone who has a partner, children or financial dependants.

This is very important if you have children, as the remaining parent or guardian may struggle without your income and adversely affect their upbringing.

Critical Illness Cover

Protects you if you were to be diagnosed with a specific critical illness with a lump sum payment. This will ensure your family’s financial flexibility and breathing space through this difficult time.

With now 1 in 2 being diagnosed with cancer* and it’s becoming more and more important to have cover such as critical illness in place.  The top five critical illness paid out** are; Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Multiple sclerosis & Benign brain tumour.

*source: Cancer Research UK – Cancer-Statistics/Risk
**source: Critical Illness – Illnesses That Pay Out

Why do you need it?

Helps give your family the financial peace of mind when they most need it. 

Allowing you additional financial support when you are seriously or critically ill.  Whether that’s to pay bills, get additional care and assistance or just to spend time together without having to worry about money.

Who can Benefit?

Everyone who has bills to pay and would like additional financial support for the what if’s.

This is very important if you have dependants or a partner, your partner may also need to take time off to aid your recovery and therefore have no income to financially support your family.

Critical Illness Cover for Children

If your child was to be diagnosed with a specific critical illness you will receive a lump sum payment.  This will ensure you can take time off and spend with your family giving you financial flexibility and breathing space through this difficult time.


Why do you need it?

Helps give your family the financial peace of mind when they most need it. 

Allowing you to take time off to be with your child if they were to become seriously or critically ill.  Whether that’s to pay bills, get additional care and assistance or just to spend time together without having to worry about money.

Who can Benefit?

Parents and Guardians who have dependent children.

Why wouldn’t any parent not have this cover for their children?

Family Income Benefit

Protects your partner, ex-partner and children if you were to die prematurely a monthly payment to replace your income until your children are no longer financially dependent. 

This is very important if you have children, as the remaining parent or legal guardian may struggle without your income and adversely affect your children’s

Why do you need it?

Helps give your family the financial peace of mind when they most need it.

Allowing them to remain in the family home and take time to spend with each other rather than worrying about money.

Who can Benefit?

Single Parent Families who rely on maintenance payments from their ex-partner.

Stay-at-home parents or families who rely upon on major income from one partner.

To support legal guardians financially in the upbringing of your children.

Whole of Life Insurance

Protects if you were to become terminally ill or when you die with a guaranteed lump sum payment no matter what age you are.

This insurance can be used to leave your family and children a legacy payment or to contribute towards any liabilities your estate has upon death (including inheritance tax).

Why do you need it?

Helps give your family the financial peace of mind when they most need it.

Allowing them to remain in the family home and take time to spend with each other rather than worrying about money.

Who can Benefit?

Everyone who has a partner, children or financial dependants.

This is very important if your estate value is over the current Inheritance tax threshold as it can help meet your tax liability without affecting your loved one’s inheritance.