Business Owner Focused

Business Loan Protection

Protects the guarantor of a Business Loan or a Directors Loan by paying a lump sum upon diagnosis of a Critical Illness or Terminal Illness and Death.

Could your business afford to pay the debt if the loan was to be called up by the lender?

This cover will allow the company to insure against the loss of the guarantor was no longer in the business. Lenders will be paid without any concerns for the remaining business owners of the debt being called up at time of uncertainty, usually the guarantor of a loan is a Key Person.

Why Do you Need it?

Helps the business pay an outstanding overdraft, loan or commercial mortgage, after the death, terminal illness, or critical illness, of the loan’s guarantor.

Who Can Benefit?

Owners, Shareholders and Directors of small businesses who has a Directors Loan, Commercial Loan which is in their name or liable for.

What are the Tax/National Insurance Efficiencies & Implications?

Shareholder Protection

Protects the shareholders investments by paying a lump sum upon diagnosis of Critical Illness or Terminal Illness and Death.

Could your business afford to purchase their shares?

This cover will allow the remaining shareholders to remain in control of the business.  If there are no funds to buy back the shares the family may choose to become involved with running the business or sell their shares to a competitor.

Why Do you Need it?

Helps safeguard the business control to existing shareholders with buying the shares after the death, terminally ill or critically ill diagnosis of the business owner.

Who Can Benefit?

All Shareholders with a significant shareholding in the business, where the cash is not readily available to buy back their shares.

What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications

Shareholder Owned

Company Owned

What our Clients Say

Key Person Protection

(Income Protection)

Can be used to meet the cost of hiring a temporary replacement, protect lost profits, or support any ongoing loan repayments if a Key Person is to become Incapacitated to work.

Could your business afford to run if you lost a Key Person?

This cover provides a regular monthly benefit to a business in the event of the illness or injury of a key employee. It’s designed to help small businesses move confidently through any financial uncertainty that can occur if a key employee needs time off work due to illness or injury.

It also includes access to experienced rehabilitation specialists helping them get back to good health and work.

Why Do you Need it?

Provides a regular monthly benefit to a business in the event of the illness or injury of a key employee.

Who Can Benefit?

Can be used to meet the cost of hiring a temporary replacement, protect lost profits, or support any ongoing loan repayments.

What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications

Key Person Protection

(Life & Critical Illness)

Safeguards the business finances by paying a lump sum if a Key Person is to become Critically or Terminal Ill or even dies.

Could your business afford to run if you lost a Key Person?

This cover will allow the company to insure against financial loss if a Key Person was no longer in the business.  If there are reduced sales and falling profits are the remaining staffs’ jobs at risk?  Key Person can be key for a company’s survival by replacing lost profit or finding and hiring a replacement.

Why Do you Need it?

Helps safeguard a business against the financial effects of death, terminal illness, or critical illness, of a key person.

Who Can Benefit?

An individual whose skill, knowledge, experience, or leadership contributes to the continued financial success of the business. Including, Directors, Sales, Scarce resources

What are the Tax/NI Efficiencies & Implications